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How to master sniper elite 3 war diaries card locations gamefront xbox

Sniper Elite 3 is a thrilling game that takes you deep into World War II missions. One of the most exciting challenges is collecting all the War Diaries and Cards scattered across different levels. These collectibles provide extra insight into the story and unlock achievements. In this guide, I will walk you through mastering the War Diaries card locations on Gamefront Xbox.

Understanding the Importance of War Diaries and Cards

In Sniper Elite 3, War Diaries and Cards aren’t just for show. They reveal critical backstory elements and offer a deeper connection to the game’s plot. If you’re aiming for 100% completion or unlocking certain achievements, these collectibles are a must.

Preparation: Setting Up for Success

Before jumping into the missions, ensure you’re well-prepared. First, familiarize yourself with the controls on your Xbox to make navigation smooth. It’s also helpful to study the map of each level beforehand. This will save time during gameplay as you’ll know where to head next.

Mission 1: Siege of Tobruk

The first mission is Tobruk, and it’s fairly easy to navigate. Look for the first War Diary inside a tent near the initial sniping position. Once you secure this, head towards the outpost, where you’ll find the second War Diary on a desk. The third is located inside a building by the main entrance of the fort. Each of these spots is easy to locate if you check each area thoroughly.

Mission 2: Gaberoun

In the Gaberoun mission, things get a little trickier. The War Diaries here are scattered over several locations. Start by locating the first Diary near the docks. Head towards the second, which you can find inside an officer’s quarters on the north side. The final one is hidden inside an enemy bunker. Be cautious, as this area is heavily guarded.

To master the War Diary locations, make sure to take cover and move slowly. Use the binoculars to mark enemies and plan your route. This keeps you safe while hunting for the Diaries.

Mission 3: Halfaya Pass

Halfaya Pass is challenging because the Diaries are well-hidden. Begin by collecting the first one inside a supply depot. The second is hidden in a small outpost at the far end of the map. For the third, look inside a destroyed building near the middle. You must be quick and quiet, as the enemies are more aggressive in this mission.

Sniper Elite 3 rewards stealth. So, avoid running in open spaces, and always keep an eye on the patrol patterns of enemy soldiers. This helps you reach the Diaries without attracting too much attention.

Mission 4: Fort Rifugio

In Fort Rifugio, the Diaries are located inside enemy-controlled areas. The first one is inside the officers’ quarters near the front gate. The second is in the mess hall. The third and final Diary can be found inside a high tower near the center of the fort.

It’s crucial to stay undetected in this mission. Stick to the shadows, and use your silenced pistol to take out enemies quietly. Moving carefully increases your chances of reaching each War Diary without alerting the entire base.

Mission 5: Siwa Oasis

Siwa Oasis offers a larger map with multiple locations to explore. The first War Diary is inside an enemy tent near the entrance. The second one is located in a watchtower overlooking the main square. Lastly, the third is hidden inside a cave system in the farthest corner of the map.

Stay patient when moving through Siwa Oasis. This area is full of enemies, but you can use the environment to your advantage. Take out enemies from a distance using your sniper rifle to create a safe path to each Diary.

Mission 6: Kassarine Pass

The Kassarine Pass is another tough mission when it comes to finding War Diaries. The first one is located inside a bombed-out building near your starting point. The second one is in a small bunker, while the third can be found near the enemy encampment at the base of the hill.

Sniping from a distance is key here. Always scout the area before moving in. Mark enemy snipers and soldiers to make navigating this mission easier. Once you’ve cleared the path, securing the Diaries is much simpler.

Mission 7: Pont Du Fahs Airfield

This airfield is a dangerous spot with many enemies and little cover. Start by finding the first Diary inside an enemy truck. The second one is in a hangar near the center of the airfield. The final Diary is hidden inside the control tower.

Move cautiously through this mission. The open spaces make you vulnerable to enemy fire. Take out enemies from afar whenever possible. Reaching the Diaries becomes easier when you clear the area of threats.

Mission 8: Ratte Factory

Ratte Factory is the final mission, and it’s a real test of your skills. The first War Diary is located near the entrance of the factory. The second one is hidden inside the facility’s main control room. The third and last Diary can be found on the second floor of a heavily guarded building.

To succeed in this mission, you need to be methodical. Clear enemies one by one and move slowly between objectives. This ensures you’ll reach all the Diaries without being overwhelmed by enemy forces.

Tips for Finding War Diaries Easily

To become a master at finding War Diaries, follow these simple tips. First, always check every building or structure for hidden rooms or areas. Many Diaries are placed in spots you wouldn’t expect. Secondly, use your map often to mark places you’ve already checked. This prevents backtracking, saving you time.

Another tip is to use stealth as much as possible. Going in guns blazing makes it harder to navigate the map. Quietly eliminating enemies lets you explore each area without raising alarms.

Using Gamefront for Extra Help

Gamefront is an excellent resource for Sniper Elite 3 players. If you ever get stuck, Gamefront provides detailed walkthroughs and videos to help you locate every War Diary in the game. Make use of their guides to ensure you don’t miss any collectibles.

Their videos offer step-by-step instructions, showing exactly where each War Diary is located. Watching these can save you time and frustration if you’re struggling with a particular mission.

Xbox Tips for Better Gameplay

When playing on Xbox, you want to make sure your settings are optimized for smooth gameplay. Set your sensitivity to a comfortable level that lets you quickly aim and shoot without overshooting your targets. It’s also helpful to use the Xbox’s quick save feature. This lets you save your progress before entering dangerous areas, reducing the risk of losing time if you die.

Achievements Linked to War Diaries

Collecting War Diaries in Sniper Elite 3 isn’t just about learning more of the story. You can also unlock special achievements. By gathering all Diaries in each mission, you’ll earn the “Archivist” achievement, which gives you bragging rights and boosts your overall completion percentage.

Keep Practicing for Perfection

Finding every War Diary and card location takes time and practice. Don’t get discouraged if you miss some on your first try. Go back to previous levels and keep practicing. The more familiar you get with each mission, the easier it becomes to find all collectibles.


Mastering the War Diaries and card locations in Sniper Elite 3 requires patience, strategy, and a sharp eye. By carefully planning your routes, staying stealthy, and using Gamefront for extra help, you can collect every Diary with ease. Remember to take your time and practice, and soon you’ll have every collectible and achievement in the game.

With these tips, you’re well on your way to mastering Sniper Elite 3 on Xbox. Happy sniping!

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